I also did one of the most heartbreaking things in the world today. I gave up my van. White

We BBQ'd on the JAYwalk (the main sidewalk through campus) with White Chocolate and I've definitely driven through the residence halls' lawns with it, trying to find some shortcuts while doing scavenger hunts. Another good thing about White Chocolate was the back bench that folds out into a bed. I've never really slept in there, but one of my brothers, who had locked himself out of the house f

Although my first van, Brown Sugar (which I've yet to find a good picture of - but this picture of it inside has a good story. Notice the confederate flag in the background? Well, I used to be a redneck...sort of. I had received that flag as a will from one of the brothers and as a joke, hung it up in my van because it fit the whole "crazy hillbilly with a gun rack and shitty van" vibe I was going with while driving Brown Sugar. Until one time I gave a friend of mine a ride home, not realizing that he was black and he might get offended. He was speechless the whole ride. And then he told me I'd better take that down. Being a racist hillbilly for a while was pretty intriguing, but not something I'd want to keep doing, so I took the flag down and used it to fix my radiator leak by tying it around the hose. It worked real good. I think that's the real purpose of those flags) was my true pride and joy. I was literally in tears when I took everything out of it so that it was ready to go get smashed - I had donated it for our Smash-A-Thon; take a whack at the windshield for $30 or break the tail lights for $10. I didn't go to the event, simply because I would probably have thrown myself in front of the baseball bat/golf club eventually and shout "Why!?!?!? Don't you see she's a beautiful thing? She never meant you any harm! I hate you all!" and go running awkwardly back home, clutching the fuzzy dice I took out of it moments before and sobbing uncontrollably. But I had good times with Brown Sugar, simply because I took it home for the summer and we used that vehicle to steal A LOT of stuff. Cement Mickey Mouse's, front porch geese ornaments, lawn gnomes, family signs. And we would drive through the school's backyard to get away from some cops. At one point my friend had a police radio and he heard my name and my van go through, so I kept quiet for a while. Then we would go shoot my potato gun out of the van at random objects/buildings. Sigh.... I wish I was still in college.
But I believe White Chocolate is in good hands. He's a brother of my fraternity and I'm sure he'll get into a lot of mischief back home. I just hope he steals a goose from some old lady's yard and brings it to my wedding as a gift.